Types of Dental Emergencies and How You Should Deal with Them

What to do during Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies may happen at any time and at any place. This is why it is very important that you know how to deal with each of them, regardless if you need the first aid yourself or it is your family member or friend who requires it. What matters most is that you can immediately address the situation. Stay focus and do whatever you have to do. If none of your efforts appears to be effective, you should immediately call an emergency dentist in Chandler AZ.

If you think this is not an emergency, this means you have not experienced the excruciating pain brought by toothache. Once you do, do not deal with the pain as much as you can and wash your mouth with warm water. Use dental floss to remove the debris that causes the discomfort. If you feel or see none and you still feel hurt, you should know where to go.

Knocked Out Tooth
Soon as your tooth got knocked out, you feel scared. But more than this, you should immediately think about saving it because it is still possible. Rinse it off with clean water. If you noticed that a tissue is attached to it, do not attempt to remove it. Go to the nearest dentist.

Jaw Dislocation or Fracture
Hearing the joke of a friend made you laugh so hard you got your jaw dislocated! Do not try to make any move. Do not lay flat. This is a dental crisis that you should take seriously as this can cause terrible pain or may lead to life-threatening situations. The jaw is situated near your head and neck, which are both vulnerable to traumatic injury. On the other hand, if your jaw got broken, apply cold pack to prevent inflammation. See a dental expert.

Bitten Lip or Tongue
Consider yourself fortunate if you have not suffered from bitten lip or tongue. Biting down any of these areas is really painful that as much as possible you will not like to create any movement in your mouth. But you cannot prevent yourself from moving because you will have to check the ‘chomped’ part with debris. You have to make sure that no fragment is present inside to avoid infection. Do not try to remove it if you know it will only harm you more. If there’s nothing in there, apply pressure over it using a clean cloth or gauze. If bleeding continues, you will need the help of a dental professional.

Dental Abscess
Dental abscess is a swelling inside the mouth and near the affected tooth. It brings a throbbing pain you will cry really hard just to be able to let go of your emotions. Okay, this is understandable. But afterwards, rinse your mouth with salted water then consult your dentist immediately.

The key to dental emergencies is readiness. There is nothing to worry if you know how to respond correctly. After giving the first-aid treatment, go to an emergency dentist in Chandler AZ.

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